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Moving LinkWEB Site Files to a New Location
LinkWEB sites files are created when LinkSOFT is installed. The default path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Link Technologies\LinkWEB". Users can move this file to:
  1. Host the site on a separate server.
  2. Host multiple sites for LinkWEB for example "Head Office" and "Branch" sites for replication. 

Steps to host LinkWEB 

  1. Create aan application pool in Internet Information Systems (IIS).
  2. Copy the "Linkweb" folder from the installed files to the new location.
    1. Enable write access for "All Users in these folders: "App_Data", "Contents".
    2. The application pool identity user needs to have read access to the Linkweb folder.
  3. Add  an application in IIS to use the application pool and the folder directory.
  4. Configure your SSL Certificate to use HTTPS

Steps to Create an Application Pool

  1. Navigate to "Internet Information Services Manager" in windows.
  2. Add a new Application Pool
  3. Update below attributes under "Advanced Settings" for the application pool
    1. General
      1. Enable 32-Bit Applications - Set the value to "True".
      2. Start Mode - Set this to "Always Running".
    2. Process Model
      1. Identity - When using "User Certificates" for TMS  update the identity with the user where the certificate is installed or else use the defaults.
      2. Idle Time-Out (Minutes) - Set the value to 0. 
    3. Recycling of Application Pool
      1. Regular Time Interval (minutes)- Set this to 0
      2. Specific Times - Set a time outside the operational hours in format HH:MM:SS.
        1. This is the time IIS will recycle the application pool.
  4. Update below attributes under "Advanced Settings" for the website
    1. General -> Preload Enabled - Set the value to "True"


  1. When the application pool recycles, the session is terminated.
  2. The new session is initiated when the application is started.