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Enable Full Text Search
Full-Text Search refers to the functionality in "SQL Server" that supports full-text search against character-based data. These types of search can include words, phrases as well as multiple forms of a word or phrases.

For example, A user searches for "Black Blazer", the result will search for both the words "Black" and "Blazer" and will list all items having any of the key words.Refer to the following link on Microsoft Documentation for more information on how Full-text Search works.

When searching with multiple words users need to enclose words in a quote for example "Web API" and Alert. 

Full Text Search functionality is available in the following menus in LinkSOFT:

  1. Helpdesk - Search for calls
    1. Log into LinkSOFT and navigate to “Helpdesk - View all calls"
    2. In the search box, you can type in:  “Leave AND View” and press Search. The system will search for the words “Leave” and “View” in any part of the document, including the comments section of the document.
  2. Global Administration - Audit Data (Audit Report)Inventory - Product Master
  3. Point of Sale - Customer Search
  4.  Point of Sale - Transaction Search

Steps to enable "Full Text Search" for a database:

  1. "To enable Full Text search on a database follow these steps:
  2. Open "SQL Server Management Studio"and login to the SQL Server.
  3. Navigate to the LINKSOFT database.
    1. Right click on the database and choose "Facets"
    2. Under "Facets properties" select "IsFullTextEnabled" and set the value to "True"
    3. Click on OK to apply the configuration"

Figure 1: Full Text Search with "AND"operator

Figure 2: Enable Full Text Search