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FTP Backups and Storage

Link Technologies offers this feature for the customers to perform backups and upload databases to a secure FTP location for safe storage. This storage can be used to keep backups on a secure FTP site managed by Link Technologies or a custom FTP Location. 

Backups can be automated by enabling process "SYS003" in menu "Company Administration ~> Processes". Note that since the backup is for the entire database, this process should be enabled in one company only. If you enable this process in multiple companies, there will be multiple databases created on the ddatabase server.

Below is a description of each setting in process "SYS003"

  1. System.DatabaseBackup.This - Enable this to backup the current database the user is logged in to
  2. System.DatabaseBackup.Other - Use this to backup other databases, such as the MSDB, MASTER or other user databases. You can leave this blank if you do not want to backup other datanases.
  3. System.DatabaseBackup.RetentionDays - Use this to determine how many days to keep the backup. Recommended 5 days maximum as backups are cumulative
  4. System.DatabaseBackup.Path - Location on the SQL server where the backup will be stored
  5. System.DatabaseBackup.FTPUpload - Enable this if you want to send the backup to Link Technologies Secure Cloud Storage. You get 10GB free storage and we keep backups for 5 years. Disable this if you do not want to send.
  6. System.DatabaseBackup.FTPUploadCustom - Enable this if you want to send your backups to a specific FTP site. FTP details can be entered in the detail section.

Once Process"SYS003" is configured, backups will start. You can monitor the progress in Menu "Global Administration ~> Database Backups" See figure 1 below.

Backups can be manually added by using menu "Global Administration ~> Database Backups". When adding backups manually, you can choose to Upload the backup to Link Technologies FTP site (FTP Upload), or to send it to the FTP Custom site configured in "SYS003"

** Useful Tip: If you are asked to provide a backup to Link Technologies for Diagnostics, or to resolve an issue you are having, you can use this option.

Important Note : Link Technologies FTP Site is a Secure and Safe Repository that is not accessible by anyone other than the "Link Technologies - Australia" Systems Administrator.

How to download a file

  1. Contact Link Technologies support team.
  2. Provide the "Full Filename" to download. The support team will provide a private link to download the file.

Figure 1: FTP Backup and Storage