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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Link Scheduled Service
Link Scheduled Service is a service that runs processes in the background. The "Link Technologies - Process Service " is installed automatically as part of LinkSOFT and needs to be configured and started.
  1. If the  process settings are changed, the windows service needs to be restarted for the change to take effect.
    1. For example, company ABC has enabled the integration API which is running through "Link Processes", if the frequency of the integration API is changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds then the windows services needs to be restarted to use the new frequency.
  2. The windows service is enabled on SQL  servers WITHOUT SQL server agent.
Steps to enable the Process Service
  1. Navigate to the "Link Technologies" install files. The default installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Link Technologies\".
  2. Locate the "Link Technologies - ProcessService.exe.config" file.
  3. Open the file in Notepad.
  4.  Update the "Connection String"  in line number 7. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Server- Enter the server address.
    2. Database - Enter the database name.
  5. Configure the "Mail Setting" in line numbers 31 and 32. and configure the Mail Setting Element .
  6. Open "Windows Service" on the machine .
    1. Browse for the "Link Technologies - Process Service".
      1. Right click on the service and navigate to "Properties".
        1. General
          1. By default the startup type is Manual, change this to automatic if the service to start automatically when the machine starts
        2. Log On
          1.  When using "User Certificates" for TMS update the account with the user where the certificate is installed or else use "Local System Account".
    2. Start the service.

Figure 1: Process Service Connection String