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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Installation > Post Installation Configuration and Setup >
Web Configuration File

The Web Configuration File (Web.Config) is an XML file on the root directory of the Web Site that controls many of the site settings. The file contains examples and help information.

Below are important settings you sould review before deploying your site:

  1. "DataConnectionString" - Used to connect to your database. The password is encrypted.
  2. "Mail Settings" - Used to send outgoing emails, including two factor authentication codes 
  3. "App Settings" ~> "TwoFactorAuthenticationName" - This name will appear on the Two Factor Authentication Application. You should change this to a descriptive name that you can use to identify this site on your authenticator application.
  4. "App Settings" ~> "AllowCustomFTP" - Enable this if you want to allow the user to configure backups to be sent to a custom FTP Address
  5. "App Settings" ~> "DataConnectionCommandTimeout" - Amount of time to allow database queries to run long queries
  6. "App Settings" ~> "DataViewCommandTimeout" - Amount of time to allow database queries to run when using menu "Business Intelligence ~> Data View"
  7. "App Settings" ~> "DefaultCompany" - Company details for the login page.
  8. "App Settings" ~> "KnowledgebaseCompany" - Company that will be used to access the knowledgebase page. This page is a public page that shows all helpdesk cases that have been published.
  9. "App Settings" ~> "WebsiteLogo" - Leave this blank if you want to configure a separate logo for each company. If you place a logo file here, all companies will display this logo.
  10. "DevExpress" ~> "Theme" - Use this to change the look and feel of the entire web site.