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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Installation > Post Installation Configuration and Setup >
Creating a Connection to the Database
Users are required to setup the database connections that specifies the data sources. The connection string includes the server and database details. This must be done before using LinkSOFT.

The following components must be configured for LinkSOFT.

  1. LinkWEB
    1. LinkWEB is automatically installed as part of the "LinkSOFT Installer".
    2. LinkWEB runs on the "Internet Information Services" web server.
    3. Follow below setups to configure the connection details.
      1. Navigate to the "Internet Information Services Manager" in windows.
      2. Expand  the connections into "Sites - Default Web Site - LinkWEB".
      3. Right click on LinkWEB and select the "Explore" option. This will open the LinkWEB site files.
      4. Open the "web.config" file in "Notepad".
      5. Update the below details in line number 14. Refer to Figure 1.
        1. Data Source - Enter the server address.
        2. Database - Enter the database name.
      6. Save.
    4. The "Web.Config" file contains several settings that can determine how the web site will work.
      1. Do not change the Security Info on the "Connection String"  section
      2. The connection String "Password" is encrypted using a complex 256 bit encryption algorithm. Please do not change these values.
      3. The Web.Config is not encrypted as users can use this to fine-tune how the web aplication works. This is particularly important for load balancing and high volume data processing.
  2. Scheduler
    1. Schedulers are used to perform  background tasks  for processes that are defined in menu "LinkWEB - Global Administration - Process Setup ".
    2. One scheduler can be connected to one database and this scheduler can run processes for multiple companies.  
    3. LinkSOFT Scheduler setup options:
      1. Web Scheduler
        1. The web scheduler manages background processes through the application pools in “Internet Information System (IIS)" .
        2. Follow below setups to enable the web scheduler.
          1. Navigate to the "Internet Information Services Manager" in windows.
          2. Expand  the connections into "Sites - Default Web Site - LinkWEB".
          3. Right click on LinkWEB and select the "Explore" option. This will open the LinkWEB site files.
          4. Open the "web.config" file in "Notepad"
          5. Set the value for "EnableScheduler" to "Yes" in line number. Refer to Figure 2. 
          6. Save
        3. If you need to configure additional schedulers for multiple databases you can create additional site files.
  3. Point of Sales - Is a desktop application where the connection string can be accessed from the POS application .

Figure 1: LinkWEB Connection String

Figure 2: Enable Web Scheduler