
[311-3] | Payroll | Maintenance Setup | Bank|

The Bank Maintenance  form stores list of banks for an organisation .

Users can enter the bank account details under the Details Button.

LinkSOFT allows functionalities with multiple banks which are identified by the unique bank codes. The unique bank codes is saved under the Mapping Button .

Figure 1: Bank Maintenance

The table below describes each field on the Bank Maintenance form.

Table 1: Field Description for Banks

Fields Description
Bank Code

Set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each Bank.

Bank Name

Bank Name is the registered name of the Bank.
Details The Details button records "Bank Account" details.
Mapping The Mapping button records the "Bank Codes" of other banks. This is used in the Electronic Bank files.

Records that are "Void" will not appear in any lookup on the system.

Users can click on the "Red X" under the menu icons to "Void" or "Activate" a record.

Notes Users can enter any notes in the notes button. Notes button will be "BOLD" if it has contents.

Steps to Setup Banks

  1. Select the Add New Record icon or select CTRL + N and a new line of record will be created to fill in the Bank details.
  2. Enter Role Code – Unique code to identify each Role.

  3. In the Bank Name field, key in a detailed description for the Bank Code.

  4. Click on the  Detail Button to enter the detail information of the bank giving the account number, name and Reg no.
  5. Click on the  Mapping Button to enter the mapping details for the banks.