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Cost denotes the cost types. Cost is used when logging cases in helpdesk.Cost can set at a hourly or fixed rate.


Follow the steps below to create a Cost.

  1. Click on the green plus sign.
  2. The Edit Form will open.
  3. Enter the details on the form. Refer to Table 1.
  4. Click on save.
  5. Click on the pencil sign to edit details.

Figure 1: Cost Listing

Figure 2: Cost Edit Form

The table below describes each field on the Cost form.


Table 1: Field Description for Cost



Code Code is the unique code to define the cost type.

Description is the detailed description for the cost.

Rate Type Rate Type is the rate frequency for the cost. Rate can be fixed or hourly.
Rate Rate is the rate for the cost.


Notes is the additional notes or comments for the cost.


If deleted is ticked it marks the record as Deleted.