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Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Tasks is a module in the Link Helpdesk system that can be used to improve the management and documentation of business operations. Business managers can use this module to:

  1. Define tasks that each position needs to fulfil.
  2. Ensure that a detailed explanation of how tasks needs to be performed is documented.
  3. Prepare a schedule of tasks that needs to be completed on a predefined interval to ensure that they are performed.
  4. Ensure that all tasks are completed on time.
  5. Keep a detailed log and audit trail of important tasks.
  6. Prevent tasks from being missed or bypassed.
  7. Ensure employees have a work schedule that can be easily followed.
  8. Escalate tasks that are not done on time.
  9. Emulate an Active ERP environment where tasks can be managed even when important staff are absent
  10. Perform Quality checks on work done.

This method of managing tasks is critical for businesses that need to be accountable to providing a high standard and quality of service to their clients.


The IT Manager of the company has the following Three Tasks:

  1. Database Backups are configured to run on a daily basis. The IT Manager needs to perform monthly backup checks and ensure backups can be restored. Backups also need to be taken off site.
  2. Perform an Audit of all IT Assets on a 6 month basis and ensure that they are in good operating condition
  3. Provide management with a Monthly Budget Analysis of IT operations

We can create a Scheduled Task for the Position of IT Manager, with Three Task Items:

  1. Create a Scheduled Task with the Description: "IT Manager Tasks"
  2. Create three detailed task items, one for each task explained in 2.3.1 above
  3. Ensure the task details contain a clear explanation of the task, e.g. for the first item we would write the task similar to that shown in Figure 1 below.


  1. Enable the "SQL Scheduler" under "Linkweb - Global Administration - Process Setup"
  2. Enable process "HEL005 - HEL Generate Tasks" under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Processes".

Steps to Schedule a Task

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form" to create "Task" . Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Description - Enter the full description of the task.
    2. Reference - Enter referential details
    3. Priority - Select the priority for the task. This will be default priority for every task created for a task .
      1. Priority is maintained under "Linkweb - Helpdesk Maintenance - Priority".
    4. Category - Select the category for the task. This will be default category for every task created for a task .
      1. Category is maintained under "Linkweb - Helpdesk Maintenance - Category".
    5. Group - Select the group for the task. This will be default group for every task created for a task .
      1. Group is maintained under "Linkweb - Helpdesk Maintenance - Group".
    6. Assigned To - Select the user who is needs to manage the task.
      1. Users are maintained under "Linkweb - Global Administration - User Maintenance"
    7. Display Order - Enter the display order which determines the order in which the tasks should be listed on the screen.
    8. Sequence:
      1. If sequence is "Enabled", tasks will be generated in the define sequence. For example,
        1. Task 1 - Take a backup of the LinkSOFT database.
        2. Task 2 - Upload the backup to the FTP.
        3. In the above example, "Task 2" will not be generated until "Task 1" has been completed. 
      2. If sequence is "Disabled", all tasks will be generated simultaneously.
    9. Deleted - Deleted will disable the task.
    10. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
  3. Expand into the details to add the "Task Details". This allows users to add individual tasks items. Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3.
    1. Click on the "Add New Task Detail". This will open the "Edit Form".
    2. Enter below details:
      1. Assigned To -  Select the user who is needs to manage the task.
        1. Users are maintained under "Linkweb - Global Administration - User Maintenance"
      2. Sequence - Define the sequence in which the tasks should be generated. The sequence will be applied only of the sequence is enabled in 2.8 above.
      3. Priority - Select the priority for the task. If users do not select a priority, the priority will be updated with default priory from 2.3 above.
      4. Category - Select the category for the task. If users do not select a category , the category will be updated with default category from 2.4 above.
      5. Group - Select the group for the task. If users do not select a group , the group will be updated with default group from 2.5 above.
      6. Subject - Enter the subject to describe the task.
      7. Reference - Enter referential details
      8. ETC Due Days - Enter the "Expected Completion" date of the task. This is date by which the user should have completed the work.
      9. Frequency - Select the frequency. A new helpdesk call will created an assigned to the user for action based on the selected frequency.
        1. Frequency is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Frequency".
      10. Task Details - Enter the task details. In the Task Details, clearly explain the steps needed to perform the task. This should be Step by Step instructions, including any relevant references to external documents,
      11. Next Run Date - Set the next date and time at which the task should be scheduled
      12. Save. This will create a record for the task.
        1. The background process "Generate Tasks" will created the scheduled tasks.
      13. Click on the "Edit" link to make changes.
        1. Users can "Copy" a task. Click on the "Copy" button and "Save" to create a copy of a task.
    3. Expand into the details of the task to add a user who should receive notifications of the scheduled task. Refer to Figure 4.
  4. Users can manually create all "Task" before its scheduled date.
    1. Click on the "Create ALL Task Items Now" button. This will create a helpdesk call for each task.

Figure 1: Create a Task

Figure 2: Create Task Items

Figure 3: Task Details

Figure 4: Task Notification