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Survey Manage

Manage Surveys is used to send and manage surveys. Once the survey questions have been created users need to " Add Calls " and " Send " the survey.


Steps to "Add Calls".

  1. Click on the "Add an Existing case to a Survey" button under command. This will open a  form  to select the call.
    1. The list will show the call number and subject for "Closed" calls only.  
  2. Tick the "Check Box"  and click on the "Select" button to add the call.
  3. Users will be able to delete calls if only a survey has not been sent for the call. Click on the "Red X" to delete the call.

Steps to "Send" survey.

  1. Click on the "Grey Triangle" next to the call, this will show the "Survey Email List" and "Questions".
  2. Click on the "Green Plus" sign under "Survey Email List". This will open the edit form.
  3. Enter the "Email Address" to which the survey must be sent.
  4. Tick the "Send Survey" box and "Save" to send survey. Refer to Figure 1.


  1. Configure Email settings to send surveys.

Figure 1: Send Survey