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Edit Comment
Edit Comment allows users to edit comments for a Helpdesk calls.

Notes :

  1. The "Status Notes" will be updated with the "User,Time and Date" when a comment is edited.
  2. The comment in the helpdesk call be updated to state that it has been edited.

Steps to Edit Comments:

  1. Users can search for a call under the "Comment Selection" section.
    1. Users can search for calls using the "Call Number".
    2. Users can search for calls by dates.
  2. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to edit comments
  3. The following can be edited
    1. Entered - Entered is the date case was logged.
    2. Assigned To - User who will resolve the case.
    3. Follow Up - The next date case will be addressed.
    4. Reference - Any additional information for the case.
    5. Time - Time is the time to complete the case.
    6. Cost - Cost is the cost associated to complete the case.
    7. Status - Status is the status of the case. Users can select the status from the dropdown list.
    8. Status Notes - Any additional information on the status.
    9. Comments - Users can edit the case comments.
  4. Save the changes.

Figure 1: Edit Comment

Figure 2: Edit Comment Form

The table below describes each field on the Edit Comment form.

Table 1: Field Descriptions for Edit Comments



Comment SelectionEnter the search criteria under Comment Selection to search for comments.
Call Number

Call Number is the case number.

Comment Date From

Comment Date From is the date from which the user wants to search cases for.

Comment Date to

Comment Date To is the date to which the user wants to search cases for.