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Price Level

Price Level contains ten price levels which can be configured to state different prices used in a company. Price levels are unique to each inventory item, and once the different price levels are defined, they can be attached to a customer.

Price Levels are updated under "Priority 1" in the "Price Setup" on the product master. Price level takes the first priority in determining the selling price of an item. Refer to Figure 2:
For example,

  1. Item A has the price level price of $12.00
  2. Item A is also setup with a selling price of $4.00
  3. When the cashier loads the item in POS, the sell price of $12.00 will be used.

Steps to Edit Price Levels

  1. Click on the "Pencil Icon". This will open the edit form.
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Code - The code is system generated.
    2. Description - Enter the description of the price.
    3. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Price Level Edit

Figure 2: Price Setup