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Price Structure
Link Point of Sale allows for four levels of pricing where the prices are used by priority. Refer to Figure 1.

Price Structure Definitions

  1. Priority 1 - Price Levels
    1. There is a maximum of ten price levels that can be configured. Price levels are unique to each inventory item, and once the different price levels are defined, they can be attached to a customer.
  2. Priority 2 - Cost + Markup
    1. The selling price of the product is calculated using the cost of obtaining the item.
    2. Tick the "Cost + Markup"check box and save the "Markup Percent".
      1. Cost does not include tax, tax will be added if the item is configured to be taxable. Assuming cost $20.00, Markup Percent is 30% and tax is 9%, selling price calculated will be (20 x 1.3 x 1.09).
  3. Product 3 - Promotional Price
    1. Promotional Price allows users to sell goods at a varying rate at specific time. For example:
    2. Tick the "Promotion"check box to enable promotional price.
      1. Enter the promotional date and time. For example, promotions start at 8am on the 15th December and ends at 11pm on the 15th January.
      2. Enter the specific promotional time in the "Time Form and Time To" fields. For example, Happy Hour from 5pm to 7pm.
      3. Select the "Promotional Days". For example, the special prices is only on Tuesdays.
  4. Priority 4 - Price Breaks
    1.  Quantity breaks without modulus
      1.  In this configuration, the first quantity break must be setup with a quantity of 1. This defines the price of a single item is sold. The next quantity break can be configured to define prices for the quantity sold.
      2. For example:
        1. Quantity Break 1, Quantity = 1, Unit Price = $100. This means that the price to sell 1 item is $100 each
        2. Quantity Break 2, Quantity = 5, Unit Price = $95. This means that the price to sell 1 to 4 items is $100 each, however if 5 or more items is sold, the price will be $95 each.
    2. Quantity breaks using modulus
      1. When modulus is turned on, notice the label "Unit price" changes to "price". This means that the price entered will be charged for multiples of the quantity breaks configured
      2. The first quantity break must be setup with a quantity of 1. This defines the price if a single item is sold. The next quantity break can be configured to define prices for the quantity sold.
      3. For example:
        1. Quantity Break 1, Quantity = 1, Price = $100. This means that the price to purchase 1 item is $100.
        2. Quantity Break 2, Quantity = 5, Price = $450. This means that the price to purchase 1 to 4 items is $100 each, however if a quantity of 5 is sold, the line total will be $450. This means the unit price will be $450 divide by 5.
      4.  If 6 items are purchased, the first 5 quantity will be sold at $450 and the 6th quantity will be sold at $100 giving the line total of $550.

Figure 1: Product Pricing Structure

Figure 2: Price Setup