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Leave Allocation

Leave Allocations shows the current and previous leave allocation for an employee.


  1. Create and setup the leave codes.


  1. Leave Allocation Report
  2. Leave Transaction Report

Steps to allocate  leave to all employees

  1. Click on the "Create Leave Allocation". This will allocate the leave to all employees who meet the selected perimeters.
  2. Select the perimeters
    1. Employee - Leave will be allocated for the selected employee.
    2. Leave - Select the leave code to allocate.
    3. Leave Category - Select the leave category, all leave codes with the selected category will be allocated to the employees.
    4. Pay Team Code
    5. Gender
  3. Follow below steps to allocate individual leave for an employee.
    1. Add a New Record
    2. Enter below details
      1. Leave Code - Select the leave code from the list. This will update the Privilege.
      2. Date From and Date To - This is system controlled which is dependent on the employee's start date, Pay Team and leave "Rollover Method".
      3. Enter the "Brought Forward","Accrued" or "Taken" figures if applicable, by default these values are 0 for leaves that are not one time accrual.
      4. Notes - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
      5. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups.
      6. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Leave Allocation