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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Payroll & HR Maintenance >
Project Codes

Project Codes is used to create and maintain projects. It allows companies to track costs of special projects. 

A project code is assigned to an employee under "Linkweb - Employee Profile - Employee Maintenance"   


  1. Enable the "Allow Add", "Allow Edit" and "Allow Delete" access under "Role Menu Access " to make changes.   

Steps to create a Pay Team:

  1. Click on "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Code -  Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each pay team.
    2. Description - Enter the detailed description of the pay team.
    3. Bank Code -  Select the bank. This is the bank from which employees will be paid for the project.
    4. Account No - Enter the "Account Number" of the select bank. 
    5. GL Code - Enter the "General Ledger Code" from the financial database that is used to integrate pay amounts into the financial..
    6. Budget Amount - Enter the budget of the project.
    7. Notes - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
    8. Void -Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" void to activate a record
    9. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Project Codes