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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale > User Options >
User Options

User Option is used to map system users to "Link Point of Sale". Following details are recorded for the user.

  1. POS Location
  2. Discount Setup
  3. Tax Identification Number


  1. The user account must be created and approved under "Linkweb - Global Administration - User Maintenance".
  2. Enable "Add", "Edit " or "Delete" access for the menu under "Linkweb - Global Administration - Role Menu Access" to make changes.

Steps to map Users

  1. Click on the "Green Plus". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Sign on ID - Select the "User" from the list.
    2. Tax File Number - Enter the "Tax Identification Number" of the user.
    3. Security ID - Security ID is an encrypted field used to login into POS.  This ID is used for swipe cards and barcode logins.  Generate the "Label - User Login" report and print the barcode. Users can scan this barcode on the "POS Login" screen. This will log the user into the system without the need to enter usernames and passwords.
    4. Is Logged In - This "Check Box" will be ticked when the user is logged into POS. If a user tries to log on and the system gives the following message: "The user is already logged in" then the administrators can un-tick this field to   "Logged Off" the user.
    5. Location - Update the default POS location for the user. Location is maintained under "Linkweb - Inventory - Location".
    6. Discount Amount - Enter the amount of discount the user can process.
    7. Discount Is Percent - This "Check Box" if ticked indicates that the "Discount Amount" is a percentage.
      1. Discount Allowed is 10 and "Discount Is Percent" is unticked. This indicates that the user can give discount up to $10.00.
      2. Discount Allowed is 10 and  "Discount Is Percent" is ticked. This indicates that the user can give up to 10% discount.
    8. Default Approver Code - Default Approval Code is applicable for users for "Purchase Order Approval".if a user is created with Approval Code as "PURCHASES". All Purchase Order created with "Approval Code "  as ""PURCHASES" will be accessible by the user for approval. Approval Codes  is maintained under "Backoffice - Purchasing - Maintenance - Approval Code".
    9. Notes - This is an open text field. Users can enter desired content.
    10. Void - Tick the "Check Box" to void the user.
      1. Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups.
      2. Edit the record and "Un-tick" void to activate a record.

Figure 1: User Options