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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Replication > Import/Export Data >
Replication - Import Data

Import Data is the feature to import replication data from servers.  Import is done at the Head Office.


  1. The "POS Replication Data Import Process" should be running for the system to import data.
  2. If a batch is imported in the wrong server, an error message will be displayed.
  3. A file can be successfully imported once.
  4. A failed batch must be deleted. Read the error message on the import batch description and make the necessary corrections.

Steps to Import Data

  1. Click on "Browse" on the screen.
  2. Select the file to import.
  3. Click on "Upload".
  4. A new record will be created. Status will be "VALIDATING".
  5. Once the file has been successfully imported, status will be updated as "COMPLETED".

Figure 1: Data Import