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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Replication >
Server Connection


Server Connections is used to create replication links between two servers.

Server Connections must be configured on the "Parent" and "Child" servers. Steps to configure a server connection between "parent" and "child".

  1. Login to "Parent" server, add a "Server Connection" as follows:




    Enter a description for the connection. E.g "Parent Server to Child Server"

    Connection Type



    Parent Server

    Destination Child Server

  2. Login to "Child" server, add a "Server Connection" as follows:




    Enter a description for the connection. E.g "Child server to Parent Server"

    Connection Type



    Child Server

    Destination Parent Server

There are two types of connections:

  1. Parent: Create this connection at Head office only. Create one connection from head office (source) to each branch (destination).
  2. Child: Create this connection at Branches only. Create one connection from branch (source) to head office (destination). 
  1. Enable process "SYS001".
Steps for Server Connections
  1. Click on "Add New" to create a new connection.
  2. Enter the description of the connection.
  3. Select the connection type.
  4. Select the "Source Server ID" and "Destination Server ID". These are defined under Servers .
  5. Mark the connection as "Active".
  6. Save.
  7. Select the connection and click on the "Process" button to create the connection.
    1. Expand into the details to review the connection progress.
Tables in Replication
This view will show the progress of replication data and display entries that are in queue.
The tables can be further expanded to view the data in queue.
  1. Re-Submit - entries in "In Failed" queue can be resubmitted for replication.
  2. Delete - entries in the "In Failed" queue can be deleted from replication. Before deleting entries consult with your Link Technologies support to verify the impact of this action.

Figure 1 : Server Connections

Figure 2: Server Connection Details