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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > TNA Setup > Rules >
R009 - Mark entries exceeding maximum hours configuration as invalid

Rule R009 will mark time as "Invalid" for records that have total hours more than the configured maximum hours. For example,


  • The maximum hours for a day is 19.
  • Employee A has submitted total worked hours of 11. This will be a valid entry as 11 is less than 19.
  • Employee A has submitted total worked hours of 21. This will be a invalid entry as 21 is grater than 19.

Rule Configuration

  1. Maximum Hours- Enter maximum hours an employee can work for a day.

Steps to update configuration

  1. Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the rule to expand into the details
  2. Go to the configuration tab
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon". This will open the edit form.
    2. Enter the maximum hours
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".
  3. Enable the rule:
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon"next to the rule code.
    2. Tick the "Active " checkbox.
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".