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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > TNA Union Setup >

The Union Maintenance is used to define unions with associated allowances. The following functions are available:

  1. Add/Edit/Delete Unions
  2. Add/Edit/Delete allowances to Unions
  3. Add/Edit/Delete the rate and frequency of allowances.

How it works:

When employee is a member of a union the following additional rules are applied when time entry is approved from Timesheets menu.

  1. For each  day's time, employee will receive additional allowances that is setup under unions.
  2. The value of allowance is determined by the allowance rate multiplied by number of hours worked, if the allowance frequency is hourly.

Follow the steps below to setup an Union.Refer to Figure 1 below.

  1. Navigate to Union Maintenance under Maintenance
  2. Click on the green plus sign to add an union. Enter the following details
    • Description - The description is the name of the union.
    • Notes - Notes is to add an additional information about the union.
    • Active - Tick the active box to activate the union on the system.

Follow the steps below to assign allowances to union. Refer to Figure 2 below.

  1. Click on the grey triangle to expand the Union Rate.
  2. Click on the green plus sign to add allowances to unions. Enter the following details
    • Customer - Customer is the customer or company for which allowances are paid.
    • Projects - Project is the task or assignment for which allowances are paid.
    • Activity - Activity is the type of allowance.
    • Notes - Notes is to add an additional information about the union
    • Void - Tick the void box to deactivate the allowance on the system.

Follow the steps below to set allowance rates. Refer to Figure 3 below.

  1. Click on the grey triangle to expand the Allowance Rate.
  2. Click on the green plus sign to add rates to allowances. Enter the following details
    • Effective Date - Effective date is the date from which the allowance rate will be valid.
    • Rate - Rate is the allowance rate.
    • Days - Days is the days for which the allowance are applicable.
    • Time from / Time to - Time from to time to is the time range between which the allowance will be paid.
    • Frequency - Frequency is the basis on which allowance will be paid this can be hourly, daily and weekly.
    • Shift - Add the shift ID where allowances are based on a specific  shift.
    • Void - Tick the void box to deactivate the rates on the system.

Figure 1: Union Setup


Figure 2: Allowance Setup


Figure 3 : Rate Assignment to Allowance