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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale >
Main Screen

The main screen consists of menus for "POS configuration" and "Processing". Users will be able to access the menus based on their role access. User access is setup in "Role Menu Access ".

The following menus will be access to a user who has full access.
  1. Point of Sale Maintenance
    1. Configuration
    2. Payment Maintenance
    3. Loyalty Setup
    4. Multi-Currency Maintenance
    5. Stations Maintenance
    6. Reason Maintenance
    7. Seating
    8. Customer Maintenance
  2. Point of Sale Processing
    1. Start Point of Sale
    2. Print Banking Slip
    3. Reconcile & Close shift
  3. Delivery Management
    1. Process Deliveries
  4. Prescription
    1. Message Maintenance
    2. Prescription Entry
    3. Non Prescription labels
    4. Doctor Maintenance
  1. The image on the main screen can be changed from "Point of Sale => Configuration = > Theme (Second Tab). Images files are stored in the "Image Folder" in the "Link Technologies" file.

Figure 1: POS Main Screen