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Launching Link POS
Users can launch Link POS from the shortcut created on the desktop. The following functions are available:
  1. Change Server / Database details
  2. Login to Link POS
  3. Login by scanning a User barcode

1. Change Server / Database details

To change the Server details, enter "CTRL + Z" on the login form. Refer to Figure 1.

  1. Connection Type - Used to configure fail-safe . Default value is "Primary Server"
  2. Server - This is the server name or IP address of the machine on which the database is hosted.
  3. Database - This the database to which the application will log in.
  4. Username - SQL Login used to connect to the database. This field is system assigned.
  5. Password - Enter the password for the "LINKADMIN" SQL Login. See information on "How to change Application SQL User Password "

2. Login to Link POS

Enter the following details to login to POS. Refer to Figure 2:

  1. Username -Username for a user assigned by the administrator. New users can be created User Login .
  2. Password - Password assigned to the user by the System Administrator. Recommended user change password at first login.
  3. Station - Select the Station Layout

3. Login by scanning a User barcode

Users can login to Link POS by scanning a barcode which contains a security key. To implement this, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the  user to login via a Security code
  2. Print the user key card using the report "Label - Use Login - A4 (64 x 33.8 mm)"
  3. Scan the barcode on the Link POS login screen.
  4. This key can also be used to authorize the user within the Link POS application.

4. Notes

The message "Invalid Username/Password" means one of the following:

  • Username is invalid
  • Password is invalid
  • User account is not approved.

Figure 1: Database Connectivity Settings

Figure 2 : POS Login Screen