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Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Configuration >
Station Settings 1

Generate Setting 1 contains below configurations

  1. Open Cash Drawer
  2. Security Options


Figure 1: General Setting 1





Enable Category Search

Enable this field when you want to search items by categories. This is quite useful when assigning shortcut keys in the POS screen where the items are categorized by different groups.

Log All Errors and Messages

Every time an error occurs within POS processing or a wrong item is scanned, this will get logged in the LBS_Log table.

Show location on Grid

Enable this field if you want to see the location on each line item. This option is usually used when an item is bought from one location and delivery is from another location. The cashier can change the location code on the line item and this location is where stock will be reduced from.

Enable Touch Screen

If this field is enabled, the system will load a SOFT KEYBOARD whenever user entry is required.

Force Delivery Option

If this field is enabled, the system will load the Delivery screen whenever a Customer is selected in the Customer field in POS Processing Screen.

Allow Edit Misc Items

If this field is enabled, the user is able to edit the description for miscellaneous items (set as a Non Quantity Bearing item in the Product Master) when the item is selected in the POS processing screen.

Group POS Line Items

Enabling this field groups items in one line rather than creating multiple lines when an item is scanned or selected more than once for processing.

Load Map Layout

Enable this field for the Map Layout Matrix to be loaded for the cashier to select the cells when item description is clicked.

BI Fast Build Processing

Enable this field when you want the BI Build View to have fast order status change process. In fast processing, the user clicks on the “New Order” button and the status changes to READY and DELIVERED instead of a pop-up window.

Default Search Category

The user can set the default search category by selecting the category from the drop down list. When assigning shortcut keys, the items tagged to the category which is set as the default search category will be displayed in the search screen.

Cash Drawer Type

Select the type of cash drawer used. This can be either a USB cash drawer which is plugged directly to the machine through a USB port or a cash drawer which is plugged to a printer.

Drawer No

Enter the number of the drawer.

Cash Drawer Open Command

This is batch file which is normally supplied by the cash drawer suppliers. This is used to open the cash drawer.

Default Transaction Type

When the cashier logs into POS, the default transaction type selected in this field will show in the transaction type field. Other types of transactions are Credit, Lay By, Quotation and Return.

Company Code

Enter the Company Code to identify the company POS Processing is carried out for if there is multiple Companies setup. Company setup is done in the Organisation Maintenance Menu (Menu ID: 211).

System Model

The system model entered in this field is used to setup Customer Display as different models are setup differently like IBM POS 500, SABLE and others.

BI Auto Remove (min)

This is used in BI Build View whereby the orders appearing on the screen will automatically be removed from the screen depending on the minutes configured in this field. Therefore there is no user intervention to manually change the status as the orders are processed.

BI Flag Time (min)

The BI Build and Customer view shows the duration it takes for an item to be ready. Once the duration exceeds the specified time configured in this field, the duration column changes colour to blinking red notifying the cook that the expected time of delivery has exceeded.

BI Refresh Interval (sec)

The number set here will refresh BI screens at this interval, for example, if the Refresh Interval is set to 10, BI Screens will be refreshed with any new transactions after every 10 seconds.

Picture Button Tag

The name of the picture button appearing on the POS screen is configurable. The user can modify the name of the picture button specific to their business and the items which are assigned within this menu button.

Image File Location

Location where Picture Group Screen images are stored.

Available Locations

Locations that the cashier can choose from POS when making a sale.

Default Location

Default location to assign when the POS Screen is loaded.

Report Location

Location where POS reports are stored.