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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Configuration >
Station Settings 2

Generate Setting 3 contains the below settings.

  1. Cash Receipt Threshold -  Threshold is the  transaction value for which system would print the receipt. For example if the Threshold is set as 20.
    1. Cashier makes a sale of $15.00. Receipt will not print.
    2. Cashier  makes a sale of $25.00. Receipt will print because 25 is greater than 20.
  2. Combine PARK transactions to an existing PARKED transaction - This configuration allows  users to add more products in an already parked transaction. For example, "Customer A" ordered pizza, this order was parked. After 15 minutes "Customer A" orders fries. Cashier can combine fries in the parked transaction for pizza.
  3. Default POS Customer Search Group - Default POS Customer Search Group is used to default customer search list based on Customer Type . For example, "Customer A" has the customer type as "Staff" and "Customer B" has the customer type is "NGO". If the "Default POS Customer Search Group" is set  to "Staff", only "Customer A" will appear in the customer lookup in POS.
  4. Enable Fast Cash Receipt Mode - If "Enable Fast Cash Receipt Mode" is set to "Yes",  when the cashier saves a sale system will directly open "Payment Details" screen for the cashier to enter the cash amount received.If the configuration is "No", a  list of payment options would be loaded and the cashier is required to select the applicable payment option.
  5. Force Customer selection on PARK - If "Force Customer selection on PARK" is set as "Yes", the customer search screen will open to select the customer before parking a transaction.
  6. Grid Height in pixels -  Grid Height in pixels is used to configure the height of a row on the POS Grid. Rows are created when items are loaded on the POS Grid. Default row size is 30 pixels.
  7. Print Bulk Item on PARK -  If "Print Bulk Item on PARK"  is set to "Yes", system  will print a Bulk slip when the cashier parks a transaction. This is only applicable for products that have "Bulk Item" enabled on the Product Master .
  8. Print Non-Bulk Item on PARK -  If "Print Non-Bulk Item on PARK"  is set to "Yes", system will print a Non-Bulk slip when the cashier parks a transaction. This is applicable for products that do not have "Bulk Item" enabled on the Product Master .
  9. Print Park Transaction Slip -  If "Print Park Transaction Slip" is set as "Yes", system will print a park slip when the cashier parks a transaction.
  10. Prompt for additional notes on PARK - If "Prompt for additional notes on PARK" is set to as "Yes", system will open the notes screen for the cashier to enter notes when parking a transaction.
  11. Prompt to email customer documents (Y/N)
    1. If the configuration is set to "No", a  receipt will be printed after a sale is completed in POS.
    2. If the configuration is set to "Yes", below options will be available after a sale is completed in POS
      1. Print Receipt
      2. Email Receipt - "Email" option does not email "Bulk and Non Bulk" slips. These slips are printed.
      3. Print and Email Receipt -"Print and Email" option does not email "Bulk and Non Bulk" slips.
      4. Cancel - "Cancel" option prints  "Bulk and Non Bulk" slips.
  12. Below configuration is required to configure VAT Monitoring System in Fiji.
    1. ESDC Setup
      1. Tax Integration (ESDC) API URL - Enter the API URL. For Example, . "" is the IP of the machine on which SoftESDC is installed. "8180" is standard.
      2. Tax Integration (ESDC) is Enabled (Y/N) - Set ESDC is Enabled to "Yes" to activate ESDC.
      3. Tax Integration (ESDC) Secure Card PIN - Enter the Secure Card PIN. This will be provided by FRCS.
    2. VSDC Setup
      1. Tax Integration (VSDC) API URL - Enter the API URL. Default URL is provided by FRCS.
      2. Tax Integration (VSDC) Certificate Serial Number - Enter the VSDC certificate serial number.
      3. Tax Integration (VSDC) is Enables (Y/N) -Set VSDC is Enabled to "Yes" to activate VSDC.

Steps to Configure Settings

  1. Click on the required setting. The configuration box will open.
  2. Enter the required setting under the "Value" section.
  3. Click on "Save"  to save changes.

Figure 1 : General Setting 3