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Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Configuration >
Global (All Stations)

Global configuration contains various settings for POS functionalities.

Table 1 : Global Configuration





Allow duplicate allocation of map matrix (Y/N)  
Cash Sale Rounding

Configure the whole number to which sales amounts will be rounded to.

For example, if the cash sale rounding is set as 5.

  • A sales of 12.02 will be rounded to $12.00
  • A sale of 12.04 will be around to $12.05
Default Company ID for POS Configure the default Company ID for the POS setup. Locations under this company will be available for POS processing.
Display text for Company tax (TIN/ABN)

Configure the unique code that defines that business or tax identification number of a Company. The configured label appears on all POS receipts.

For Example,

  • TIN - Tax Identification Number in Fiji.
  • ABN - Australian Business Number
Display text for Tax Codes (GST/VAT)

 Configure the applicable tax code. The configured tax code appears on relevant receipts.

For Example,

  • VAT - Value Added Tax in Fiji
  • GST - Goods and Services Tax in Australia.
Home Currency (Reporting Currency)

 Configure the currency code that is used by the company.

For Example,

  • FJD - Fijian Dollars
  • AUD - Australian Dollars


Maximum Allowed Amount

Used in Inventory Price Change as well as in Payment Entry in the POS form. This is the maximum amount that can be entered by a user.

For example, if the maximum amount is set as 500.

  • Cashier will not be able to change items price more than 500.
  • Cashier will not be able to enter more than 500 in payment entry


Maximum Allowed Quantity

Used when the POS Line Quantity is changed by the user. This is the maximum quantity that can be entered by a user.

For example, if the maximum amount is set as 5.

  • Cashier will not be able to change item quantity to 6. However cashier can scan the items 6 times and sell it.
Maximum Allowed Change Amount

Maximum Allowed Change Amount (allow for cash out in this limit).

For example, if the maximum amount is set to 100 then the change amount cannot exceed 100.


Customer Fleet Card End Identifier.

A card is issued for customers with Fleet setup. Users need to configure the card end identifier. This is used to validate the card when its scanned/swiped. The "End Identifier" is provided by the card supplier.

Customer Fleet Card Start Identifier.

A card is issued for customers with Fleet setup. Users need to configure the card start identifier. This is used to validate the card when its scanned/swiped. The "Start Identifier" is provided by the card supplier.

Bulk Flag Caption

Configure the field description for bulk items. These are items that are not shelved in the store. For example, Kerosene refill. The description of the bulk flag is updated on the Product Master. By default, the flag is labelled as "bulk Item".


Create Inventory Item if does not exist.

If the configuration is set to "Yes", users will be able to create new inventory from POS -"Product Maintenance".

For Example, product AB1009 has not been updated on the inventory list but placed on the shelves for sale. If the cashier scans item AB1009 in POS, the "Product Maintenance" screen will open for the users to create the item.

Layby Layby Deposit Percentage

Layby Deposit Percentage is the percentage of payment that must be paid to process a standard layby.

For example, the percentage is configured as 15. When processing a Lay By worth $300.00 customers need to make $45.00 payment as deposit.  300*0.15 =45.00

  Special Order Deposit Percent Special Order Deposit Percent is the percentage of payment that must be paid to process a special order layby.

For example, the percentage is configured as 15. When processing a Lay By worth $300.00 customers need to make $45.00 payment as deposit.  300*0.15 =45.00

Loyalty Automatically Update Loyalty Category

If this configuration is set to "Yes" the system will automatically update the loyalty categories. Loyalty categories include 'Bronze", "Silver", "Gold" and "Platinum". Loyalty Category is updated based to the category points.

For Example,

  • Bronze has the point range of 0 to 1000.
  • Silver has the point range of 1000 to 10000.
  • Once a customer exceeds 1000 points, the system will update the category for the customer to Silver.
Category description for Gift Voucher The default configuration is "Gift Voucher". This is used for Gift Voucher setups.
Enable loyalty points accumulation Enable this configuration for the system to accumulate and calculate loyalty points. Loyalty points are updated when payments are updated.
Loyalty Card Identifier. A card is issued for customers with Loyalty setup. Users need to configure the card end identifier. This is used to validate the card when its scanned/swiped. The "Loyalty Card Identifier" is provided by the card supplier.
Loyalty Points to a Dollar

Loyalty Points to a Dollar is the conversion rate for the loyal points to a dollar value.

For example, customer has loyalty points of 30. Configured "Loyalty Points to a Dollar " is 0.1. The customer will receive a shopping of $3.00 [30*.1] when the points are redeemed.

Voucher Valid Days used by menu 721-Loyalty Adjustment. This is the number of the days the "Gift Voucher" is  valid when redeemed.
Performance Concatenate year/month to POSCASH account code (Year/Month/None)

Concatenate is a feature to group cash sales by  "Year" or "Month". By default concatenate is set to "None". It is recommended to concatenate cash sales by month for easier reconciliation.

System will automatically create a new cash customer every month with the naming structure as POSCASH-YEARMT for example, POSCASH-201808. Sales for each month will be reflected under the respective POSCASH customer.

Number of Ping retries before automatic switching Configure the number of times the system will try to connect to the primary server before switching to the backup server when a connection fails.
Number of rows to display for POSCASH, if actual transactions exceed this value then cash sale transactions are summarized by month.

Users can define the maximum amount for cash sales after which the system will group sales by month. This is performed to easily load invoices on the customer screen for POSCASH. If the sales are over millions the customer screen would crash.

For example, configure the value as 100. Once the transaction value exceeds $100.00 for a month, the invoices and payments will be grouped by the month and year. For example, 2018 AUG. All sales will be grouped by year and month under the POSCASH customer.

PIZZA Auto Increment by 0.5 This is used by custom Kits. Item's starting with this code will increment in quantity by 0.5
Auto Increment by 1 This is used by custom Kits. Item's starting with this code will increment in quantity by 1
Do not allow quantity change This is used by custom Kits. Item's starting with this code will not allow qty change
Pizza Topping Mask This is used by custom Kits. Item's starting with this code is used for Pizza Topping and the price is set to zero as this is used to identify Pizza Topping
Use Kit Price instead of components Use the kit item price instead of summing up the kit components
POS POS Details Field 1 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Line Item Notes. Line Item Notes are displayed at the bottom with the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Serial No".
POS Details Field 2 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Line Item Notes. Line Item Notes are displayed at the bottom with the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Model No".
POS Details Field 3 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Line Item Notes. Line Item Notes are displayed at the bottom with the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Manufacturer".
POS Details Field 4 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Line Item Notes. Line Item Notes are displayed at the bottom with the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Notes".
POS Header Field 1 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Order Notes. Order Notes are displayed at the top before the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Customer Name".
POS Header Field 2 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Order Notes. Order Notes are displayed at the top before the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Post Code".
POS Header Field 3 This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Order Notes. Order Notes are displayed at the top before the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Email".

POS Header Field 4

This is an open text field. Users can configure the field labels for Order Notes. Order Notes are displayed at the top before the list of items sold on a receipt. By default this field is labelled as "Notes".
Prescription Charge Tax Prescription  Charge Tax Prescription set to "Yes", will calculate tax on items sold in a prescription.
  Dispensary Markup (%) Dispensary Markup % is the percentage to markup to charge on a item's cost to determine the new selling price. For example, if an item cost $3.00, tax is 9% and the Markup is set as 35 then the new selling price is calculated as $4.41 (3x1.09x1.35)
  Prescription Print Setup M = Markup %, P = Price Structure

 Configure the price component to be used in the creation of Prescriptions.

  • M - Uses the Markup % to calculate new selling price.
  • P - Uses the product prices set on the inventory master .
  Prescription Print Price Default Flag (Y/N) "Prescription Print Price" set to "Yes" will print the price on the prescription labels.
  Surcharge on prescription items Surcharge is the additional fee charged on prescription, for example "admin fee".Users can enter the applicable fee amount. 
  Surcharge on prescription items tax code Enter the tax code that has the tax rates applicable to the surcharge amount.
  Update Item Prescription on change (Y/N) "Update Item Prescription" set to "Yes" will update details about the prescription item. For example prescription 1 is created with item X and instruction as "Keep Away from Children". When the users create prescription 2 with the item X, the instructions will be automatically updated when the item is added.
Replication Replication Data Transfer Index This field is auto updated for setups with replication.
Report Overdue Message to display in Customer Statement This is an open text field. Users can add any notes or details. This will appear on statements for all customers.
  Sales report use Header or Line Location

Configure the Location to use be used in Sales Report.

  • Header (H) - Report will be generated for the "Default Location" configured.
  • Line Location - Report will be generate for the Location which was used to process the sale. Users can change the location on the POS Grid. List of locations are configured under "Available Location ".
Sale Allow Partial Returns

"Allow Partial returns" set to "No" will disallow users to change the return quantity.

For example, a sale of PNT01 was processed with quantity as 3. When processing the return cashier must return the full quantity.

Quantity change will be allowed if the configuration is set to "Yes".

  Change sales person to user that authorizes the transaction

If this configuration is enabled then the salesperson in POS will be updated with the user who authorizes a sale.

For example, the cashier does not have access to process a "Quotation" from POS. However, if required the supervisor can authorize the cashier to quote a customer thus the salesperson for the transaction is updated with the supervisors details.

  Default Float Amount at Shift Open Float is the amount of cash placed in registers at the beginning of a shift. The configured float amount will be reconciled at shift close.
  Force sales person prompt on save for cash, credit and Lay By sale. This configuration set to "Yes" will open the sales person list when saving a transaction. This is to allow the cashier to select the sales person who severed the customer.
  If the sale type is CASH, change the stored procedure to force the customer to be the CASH Sale Customer.  
  Item code for automatic Delivery Charge Configure the "Product Code" for delivery charge. Delivery Charge is created as a "Non Quantity Bearing" item. When a POS sale is marked for delivery, this code is added to the sale to charge for delivery.
  Sales Person List.

The Sales Person List loads all sales person in a POS Setup. The configuration determines which record to show on this list.

For Example,

  • U - If the configuration is set o "U", the sales person list is be extracted from the list of users in the system. This will include only users who have the "Default Location " as the location in which the sale is been processed.
  • C - If the configuration is set o "C", the sales person list is exacted from the list of customers in POS whose "Customer Type" is staff.


  Short Surplus Buffer Users can configure the acceptable shortage amount for a shift. If the shortage amount is greater than the configured amount an invoice is created for the cashier for payment. The invoice can be verified on the customer maintenance in POS. Search for the cashier.
Security Login using customer secure card Enable this configuration to allow users to login into POS using a security card. The card will have a barcode which can be scanned on the POS login.
  Login Identifier - End Users need to configure the card end identifier. This is used to validate the card when its scanned/swiped. By default the end identifier is PWD.
  Login Identifier - Start Users need to configure the card start identifier. This is used to validate the card when its scanned/swiped. By default the start identifier is PWD.