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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Customer > Customer Tabs >
The Customer Tab shows the basic information about the customer. 

Table 1: Field Descriptions for Customer Tab.

Fields Description
Customer Code

Customer Code is an unique ID to identify a customer. This can be user defined or system controlled.  Refer to POS configuration for  "Next customer Number" setup.


Name is the name of the customer.


User can enter the email address of the customers. Email address is used for emailing customer statements.Multiple email addresses can be added separated by a "Semicolon" example;

Contact Surname/First name

Enter the names of the contact person for the customer.

Street No/Name

Enter the Street details.


Enter the City or Suburb details.


Enter the State details.

Post Code

Enter the Post Code.

Home Phone

Enter the "Home" phone number.

Business Phone

Enter the "Business" phone number.

Mobile Phone

Enter the "Mobile" phone number.

Credit Limit

This field saves the credit limit for a customer. It is the amount upto which a customer can purchase goods on credit. A credit limit of zero means customer does not have any credit limit

Tax File Number

This field saves the Tax identification number for the customer.


Users can save notes about customers in this field.

Customer Balance

Customer Balance is system calculated. It computes the outstanding amount left for the customer to pay.

Amount Paid to Date

Amount Paid to Date is system calculated. This field shows the amount which has been paid by the customer.

Pref Payment Method

Select the payment option that the customer would like to use to make payments.
Customer Type This defines the type of the customer. For example, Active or Inactive customer. Customer Type is maintained in POS Web.

Start Date

Enter the date on which the customer was created.


Insurer is applicable for clients using Prescription. For example , create customer "A" with customer type as "Insurance" , this will make customer "A" act as a Insurance Body. User can than tag customer "A" as the insurer for other customers.

Policy Number

Enter the insurance policy number for the customer.

Credit Rollover Type

This rolls over the credit limit for the customer. For example of the limit is set as 500 and rollover as Monthly. Customer will have a limit of 500 updated every month. Enable process "POS015" for the this functionality.

Figure  1:  Customer Tab