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Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Customer > Customer Tabs >
Loyalty and Pricing
Loyalty and Pricing is set for customers with loyalty plan. A customer loyalty program is a reward program to give  customers discounts, special prices and rewards.


  1. When processing transactions for a Loyalty Customer, the loyalty card needs to be scanned which will automatically load the customer Name in the Customer Field. If the customer is entered manually, discounts on items will not be applied.
  2. If a Customer has Price Level & Price Class flag, Loyalty Discounts will not apply.

Table 1 : Filed Description for Loyalty and Pricing



Loyalty Customer

Tick "Loyalty Customer" check box to enable loyalty settings for a customer.  


Select the category that is applicable to the customer. The customer will gain loyalty points and discounts based on the category.

Loyalty Points

Loyalty points is auto accumulated. This is the sum of the payments made by a customer.
Points Redeemed

Points redeemed is the points claimed by the customer.


Balance outputs the available points for the customer. Balance = Loyalty Points - Points Redeemed.

Security Enter Customer's unique security ID. For example, a security ID for a customer can be 111122223333. Enter the ID with the identifier combination to automatically select the customer in the POS screen (this combination is used for printing on the customer loyalty card).

The Loyalty Card Identifier is setup under POS Configuration.

Enable Price Level Select the "Price Level" for the customer. This is the customer specific price enabled for a loyalty category. Price Level list is populated from the priority 1 section of the "Price Maintenance ". Price Level should be set on applicable products.
Enable Prescription Price Class Select the "Prescription Price Class   " for the customer. This is the customer specific price enabled for a loyalty category. Price Level list is populated from the priority 1 section of the "Price Maintenance".

Figure 1: Loyalty and Pricing