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Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance >
Loyalty contains Loyalty Categories.For example, Bronze, Silver and etc.These categories define:
  1. Loyalty points auto accumulate based on the transactions of the customer.
  2. Loyalty points and discount is only allowed when a loyalty card is scanned for the customer.
  3. Loyalty points available for redeem will be reflected in "Point of Sale - Payment Method" thus customers can pay for goods using the loyalty points earned.

Step to create a Loyalty Category

  1. Navigate to Loyalty.
  2. Click on the empty row.
  3. Enter the ID, Description and configure the details as per table 1.
  4. Save the entry.
  5. To "VOID" an entry, tick the void check box for the respective loyalty category. To activate the record, unpick the check box.

Table 1: Field Description for Loyalty Maintenance




ID is a unique code for the loyalty categories. Users can use numbers to list the categories.


Enter the detailed description for the loyalty category.


Enter the amount of discount that is allowed for a loyalty category
Discount Is Per Tick the check box for "Discount Is Per" if the set discount is a percentage discount.
Points Factor

"Points Factor" determines the points gained for a customer.

For example, a customer made a payment of $40.00

  • If the point factor = 1 then customer will earn 40 loyalty point.
  • If the point factor = 2 then customer will earn 80 loyalty point.
  • If the point factor = 3 then customer will earn 120 loyalty point.
Points From "Point From" determines the start of a point range. For example, a customer with bronze setup falls in category where points range is from 1000 to X.
Points To "Point To" determines the end of a point range. For example, a customer with bronze setup falls in category where points range is from X to 10000.
Void Void indicates that the loyalty category is not longer used.

Figure 1: Loyalty Maintenance