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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance >
Multi -Currency
Multi- Currency contains a list of Foreign Currencies used for payment . The Multi- Currency setup is used to convert the foreign currencies to the home currency. Multi- Currency  is supported in Point of Sale and Purchasing.


  1. Currency and default exchange rate are maintained in the Currency menu in Backoffice.
  2. Foreign Currency sell rate for POS is maintained in the Exchange Rates menu in Backoffice.
  3. When a transaction is processed the system will use the conversion rates set under "Exchange Rate". If exchange rates are no configured "Default Exchange Rate" under "Currency" will be used.
  4. Fast Key is the Keyboard shortcut to select the required currency.

Steps to setup Multi - Currency.

  1. Navigate to Multi - Currency
  2. Click on the empty row. This will open the "Multi Currency Maintenance" form.
  3. Select the currency
  4. Enter the preferred fast key. Unused fast key will be depicted by default.
  5. Tick the "Active" check box.
  6. Save the record.

Figure 1: Multi Currency Maintenance

Figure 2: Multi Currency Configuration.