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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Multi -Currency >
Processing Transactions with Multi-Currency

Users need to setup multi-currency before processing sales.
  1. Create a "Payment Method " with Multi-Currency. Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Setup Multi- Currency list.

Processing POS Transactions

  1. Navigate to Start Point of Sales.
  2. Load the products
  3. Save the transaction. This will open the "Payment Methods" screen.
  4. Select the payment method as "Foreign Currency".Refer to Figure 2.
  5. Select the "Payment Currency".Refer to Figure 3.
  6. System will calculate the foreign amount to be paid based on the exchange rate. Refer to Figure 4.
  7. Complete the transaction.

Figure 1: Multi-Currency Payment Method

Figure 2: Payment Methods

Figure 3: Payment Currency

Figure 4: Payment Details