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Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Payment Method >
Payment Surcharge
Surcharge are fees are charged with specific payment method. For example, processing payments with a credit card.


  1. The Surcharge amount should be configured on the payment method. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. If the "Surcharge" is a fixed amount, enter only the surcharge amount.
    2. If the "Surcharge" is a percentage, enter the surcharge amount and tick the "Is Percent" check box.  For example, 2% surcharge on all credit card payments.
  2. A product will be created as "SURCHARGE" on the product master. This is system created and used for the completion of sales where surcharge is applicable. Changes to the setup is not recommended.
  3. Surcharge is computed on the total sale. Surcharge amount to be paid is populated when the transaction is saved.
  4. Surcharge payable is added to the transaction total. Refer to Figure 2.

Report :

  1. Payment Surcharge Report

Figure 1: Surcharge Setup

Figure 2: Surcharge on Transactions