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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Company Administration > Processes >
Replication (REPL)
 List of processes and its functionalities:

Process Code


Default Frequency


Replication Data "Out Queue" Process. This process does the following:
1. Consolidates entries tagged for replication into the "Out Queue". The consolidation prevents multiple copies of the same record.
2. Packages "Out Queue" data to send to "Parent Server".
3. Prepares request to receive data from "Parent Server".
Recommended Frequency: Every Second.

Every Second


Replication General Process. This process is used to perform replication background tasks. Refer to rules configured. Recommended Frequency: Every Minute

Process Rules

Rule Code


Value Caption

Default Value


Replication Compare Data Verification. This process verifies the "Compare Data" results and provides a progress on mismatch data.



POS010-RecomputeCustomerBalance Replication Recompute Customer Balances. This process calculates customer balances based on transactions. Customer balance is updated when the replication queue is settled. Enabled  N
POS010-RecomputeInventoryBalance Replication Recompute Inventory Balances. This process calculates inventory balances based on transactions. Inventory balance is updated when the replication queue is settled. Enabled  N
POS010-ServerTopology Replication Server Topology Process. This process updates the entries displayed in menu "Replication ~> Server Topology" Enabled  Y

Every Minute


Replication "Data IN" process. This process takes replication data received and creates relevant entries. Recommended Frequency: Every Second

Every Second