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Service Station Fuel Pump Integration
LinkPOS has built-in integration into service station pumps using Enabler Card. Please review Enable provider's website ( to determine how to configure and wire fuel pumps to the Enabler Card.

Below is a summary of how the integration works:

  1. Install the Enabler Card on a PC on the network.
  2. Wire the pumps to connect to the Enabler Card. Verify the Enabler Card is communicating with the service station pumps.
  3. Configure the Enabler Card with Grades, Pricing, Product Codes and Terminal access.
  4. Configure Link Point of Sale (Configuration -> Integration) with the Terminal access details. Select the option to test and verify connectivity.
  5. Create inventory items for the different Grades selected in 3. above.
  6. Your integration setup is now complete.
  7. Pump control actions and status display.
  8. Transaction processing- Prepayments
  9. Transaction processing - fuel delivery sales (excluding prepayments)
  10. Troubleshooting

Below are the details on configuring this integration:

  1. Install the Enabler Card on a PC on the network
    The Enabler card can be purchased from Integration Technology Limited. The number of pumps and cards required together with wiring details can be found on this website. The screenshot below shows some details relating to the Enabler card.

    Figure 1: Enabler Card (picture extracted from
  2. Wire the pumps to connect to the Enabler Card
    Wiring and configuration of the Enabler card with the pumps can vary depending on the size of the station and various other parameters. Please contact Link Technologies on details on how your station can be wired.
  3. Configure the Enabler Card with Grades, Pricing, Product Codes and Terminal access
    Once the Enabler card is connected to the PC and connected to the pumps, you need to configure the following items:
    • Terminal access details
      Each Point of Sale station requires two terminal access. One for transactions and one for status view. Screenshots below shows terminal access configurations for the Enabler card.

      Figure 2: Terminal configuration view
    • Grades, prices and product codes
      Grades are different types of fuels that can be configured in the pumps. Screenshots below shows Grades and prices. The code highlighted below is the product code used by Point of Sale.

      Figure 3: Grade and price configuration
  4. Create inventory items for the different Grades.
    Items created in inventory must have the same part number as Grade code as shown in figure 3 above.
  5. Pump control actions and status display
    To view Enabler status goto Utilities -> Integration -> Enabler Status

    Figure 4: Enabler Status

    Authorise All - This button is used to authorise all pumps that are lifted. Once authorized pumps will start fuelling.
    Authorise - This button is used to authorise a single pump that is lifted. Once authorised that pump will start fuelling.
  6. Transaction processing - Prepayments
    Below are the steps of performing a prepayment:
    1. Click Load Fuel Transactions and select the pump, grade and value or quantity of fuel to prepay and click Confirm Payment.

    2. Once transaction is loaded on screen, the pump is marked as reserved.

    3. When this transaction is completed the pump is marked as authorized and fuel is start delivering when the pump is lifted. Once the nozzle is placed down, this pump is automatically cleared.
  7. Transaction processing - fuel delivery sales (excluding prepayments)
    Below are the steps for performing fuel delivery sale:
    1. When pumps are lifted, the Enabler will show status as Calling. This indicates that an authorization is required before fuel can be released.
    This this example pumps 1 and 4 are being used for sale.

    2. Select pump 4 and click Authorize. Fuel is now delivering.

    3. Clicking Authorise All will authorise all pumps for delivering.

    4. Pump 4 has completed filling and placed the nozzle down.

    5. Pump 1 has completed fuelling and placed the nozzle down. Picking up the nozzle on pump 1 again will display a message "Not Allowed" on the Enabler status.

    6. Click Load Fuel Transactions. This screen will display all the transactions available for sale.

    7. Load pump 1 transaction. This will load the item on POS. You can do normal sale using standard processing.

    8. Once the sale is completed, pump 1 is cleared and ready for next sale.
  8. Troubleshooting
     Error Message  Resolution
     Not connected to pump server  The POS station is not able to connect to the pump server. Check the Forecourt configuration setup and test connectivity.