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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Customer > Features > File >
New Note

New Note  is to create notes for a customer. Notes can include customer specific tasks or any additional details.

Steps to Enter Notes

  1. Select the customer.
  2. Navigate to New Note. This will open up the form.
  3. Enter the notes in the space provided.
  4. Select the follow-up date.
  5. Save the record.

Table 1: Field Description for Notes




Customer code and description will be auto loaded. 


User is updated by the system. This is the user who is logged into the POS system when the note was updated.


Users can update the status of the notes. Status Include

  • New
  • In Progress
  • Deferred
  • Completed
  • Waiting
  • Cancelled


Next Follow-up Date Enter the next follow-up date on which the entered notes should be reviewed.
Reference Enter additional details in the reference field.


Figure 1: New Note