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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Customer > Features > Payment >
Payment Adjustment

Payment Adjustment  can be used to "Void" or "Refund" payment for a customer.  Adjustment is allowed only for unallocated payments.

  • Void - Void will set the payment amount to 0 to indicate that the payment has been deleted. Partial void is not allowed.
    • For example, customer made a payment of $10.00. cashier will not be allowed to void $5.00 out of the $10.00. The full transaction must be voided.
  • Refund - A refund will reduce the payment amount with the indication that the payment has been given back to the customer.

Steps to process Void/Refund payment

  1. Open the "Payment Adjustment" form. This will open a list of all unallocated payments.
  2. Select the payment number. This will open the Payment Adjustment form.
  3. Select the transaction type.
  4. Enter the transaction amount.
  5. Enter the description for the payment.
  6. Save the entry.

Table 1: Field Description for Payment Adjustment



Adjustment No

Adjustment Number is system generated.

Shift No

Shift Number is system generated.

Payment No

Payment Number is system generated.


Customer is auto updated based on selected customer on the POS customer screen.

Date Date is auto updated with current day date. Users can alter the date.
Transaction Type Select the transaction type which can be a "Void" or "Refund".
Amount Enter the payment amount.
Description Enter the description of the payment. Description is required for the completion of a payment.

Figure 1: Payment Adjustment