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Help > Point of Sale > Prescription > Technical Reference >
Prescription Pricing

Prescription Price compose of the Cost, Tax and Markup. Prices can be set to use the dispensary markup or the set markup at price level. Refer to figure 1.

To use Dispensary Mark up.

  1. Navigate to the Global Configuration in Point of Sale.
  2. Search for flag class prescription on the search bar.
  3. Set Prescription Price Setup as ‘M’ -  system uses the Dispensary Markup %.
  4. Set the Dispensary Markup percentage.

To use Price Structure Markup

  1. Navigate to the Global Configuration in Point of Sale.
  2. Search for flag class prescription on the search bar.
  3. Set Prescription Price Setup as ‘P’ -  system uses the Markup set under Priority 2 on the price structure.
  4. Set the Markup under Cost + Markup on the product price in Backoffice.

Set Charge Tax Prescription as ‘Y to apply tax to prescription price.
Figure 1: Prescription Price Setup