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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing >
Start Point of Sale

Start Point of Sale opens the POS Grid for transaction processing. When the user clicks on "Start Point of Sale" a "Shift ID" will be created with the defined float. Users with role "Cashier" will enter the POS Grid at login.

Shift has below rules:

  1. A new "Shift ID" will be created for a user if all previous shift have status as "Closed/Hold".
  2. "Shift ID" is generated based on the "Default Location" of the POS station. For example,
    1. If Users 1 logs into "POS Station 1" where the  "Default Location" is "Main" a "Shift ID" will be created.
    2. If Users 1 logs into "POS Station 16" where the  "Default Location" is "Retail" a "Shift ID" will be created.
  3. If a shift is initiated and not closed, user will log into the same "Shift ID" for  a location.
  4. Users will not able able to process further transactions in a shift once it is set to "HOLD".


  1. Shift number sequence is set under "Configuration".
  2. The "Default Location" must be configured to allow transaction processing. This is set under "Configuration => General Settings 1".