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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance > Configuration >

Reports Tab on the configuration menu is used to save the default report file to be used to print reports in Point of Sales. The report files are specific to a report type as each file has different contents. For example the Receipt report file prints the cash sale transactions in POS with the designed format.

Report Setup

  1. Right Click on the Report Path
  2. Select the report file from \Program Files (x86)\Link Technologies\POSReport.
  3. Set the Print Count - This is the number of times a receipt will be printed. For example,
    1. The "Print Count" is set to 3.
    2. Process a sale and it will generate a receipt for the sale. This receipt will be printed 3 times with the original "Receipt Number" and contents.
  4. Save Configuration

Figure 1: Receipt Assignment in POS.