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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Maintenance >
Reasons are used when items are returned in POS and to process "Cash In" and  "Cash Out" transactions. When processing a return, the cashier needs to specify a reason why the item was returned.

Steps to create a Station

  1. Navigate to POS -> Maintenance -> Reason.
  2. Click on the empty row
  3. Enter the description of the reason
  4. Enter the "GL code".
  5. Tick "Return To Stock" if required. Users will not be able to change the settings for "Return to Stock" of a reason that has been used in previous transactions.
  6. Save the record
  7.  To void a reason "Tick" the void check box and Save.

Table 1 : Field description for reason




ID is a unique code for the Reason.  


Enter the detailed description of the Reason.

GL Code

GL is the General Ledger account for the reason. This is required for FMIS and LINKSOFT integration.
Return To Stock

Return to stock determines if the inventory is added back to the system when a return is processed.

For example, the instock for item PNT01 is 10. Cashier sells 3 of PNT01.

  1. If "Return to Stock" is disabled and the cashier processes the return of the sale, instock will be 7(10-3) after the return.
  2. If "Return to Stock" is enabled and the cashier processes the return of the sale, instock will be 10 after the return. The quantity of the return is added to the inventory.

Void denotes that the reason is disabled on the system.


 Figure 1: Reasons