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Company  contains details of the registered entity. Company setup is required for below functionalities:

  1. "Registered Company Name" is used for licence request .
  2. Linkweb web configurations are separated by companies.
    1. Clients who use POS /Inventory modules must use the company code "1001".
    2. Other modules support multi company setups.
  3. Users can upload the logo for company. The company details and logos are printed on all reports and receipts.

Steps to setup Company

  1. Add a new record.
  2. Enter the below details:
    1. Company ID - Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each supplier.
    2. Registered Name - Enter the "Registered" company name.
    3. Trading Name - Enter the "Trading"  company name.  This is the name used for company operations and publicity. 
    4. Tax ID - Enter the "Tax Identification Number" of the company.
    5. Address 1 to Address 3 - Enter the physical location of the company.
    6. City - Select the city of the company. City is maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Dropdowns - City".
    7. Post Code - Enter the postcode or zip code for the supplier.
    8. Post Address Line 1 to 4 - Enter the postal address of the company.
    9. Phone -  Enter the phone number of the company.
    10. Fax -  Enter the fax number of the company.
    11. Phone Support - Enter the phone number for urgent queries.
    12. Website - Enter the "URL or Link" of the company website.
    13. Email - Enter the email address of the company.
    14. Notes - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
    15. Sales Tax Rates - Enter the tax rate used for selling.
    16. Home Currency Code - Select the operating currency for the company. Currency list is maintained under "Global Administration - Currency" .
    17. Disabled - "Disabled" records and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" disabled to activate a record.
  3. Expand into the details
    1. Enter "Notes and Attachments". Company Logo is uploaded as an attachment.

Figure 1: Company