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Event Log

Event Log contains important events in the system. This information can be analysed to improve performance and to resolve failures. For example,

  1. Information on user login - Administrators can view the time and date a user logged into LinkWeb.
  2. Error Messages - Administrators will be able to view error messages when a process fails to execute.
  3. Validation -  Administrators can view why an action can not be saved.


  1. Users can "Search " the results and "Export" log data.
  2. Users can delete the log data using the "Delete Log" button. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. This will delete the logs from the database.
    2. The "Delete Logs" button will be enabled for users with "Delete " access.
  3. The background process "SYS004 - Database Clean-Up" automatically removes entries from "Event Log" after the defined number of days.
    1. Configure the value for rule code "Event Log Days to Keep" in the process rules. 
  4. The background process " SYS005 - Email alert to send all system log entries that have not been sent previously" sends an email notification with the log data to the configured email addresses.
  5. Users can edit a record to enter the resolution details and date.

Steps to add Resolution

  1. Edit the record. Refer to Figure 2.
  2. Enter the "Resolution" details
  3. Set the "Resolution Date"
  4. Expand into the details to view the log details.

Figure 1: Event Log 

Figure 2: Resolution