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Menu Maintenance

Menu Maintenance contains list of menus and sub menus in LinkSOFT. The maintenance is used to manage the below:

  1. Tools Tips - "Tools Tips" give information about a menu.
    1. When a user hovers the mouse over the menu, the tool tip will pop up to show the content. Refer to Figure 2.
  2. Menu Instructions - Users can add instructions about the menu. These instructions will appear on menu at the top of the page.
  3. Display Order
  4. Default Access
  5. Menu Configuration
  6. Functional Points.

Steps to add Tool Tip:

  1. Expand into the details of a menu.
  2. Edit. This will open the "Edit Form". Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Menu Code - The menu code is system controlled.
    2. Tool Tip - Enter information about the menu.
    3. Display Order - This defines the order of the sub menus.

Figure 1:  Menu Maintenance


Figure 2: Tool Tip