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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Employee Profile >
Issuable Items

Issuable Items contain list of official items issued to employees for use. For example, an employee is issued a laptop which needs to be returned when the contract expires.


  1. Employee Issuable Items Report

Steps to add record

  1. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     Employee Choose the employee. Refer to Employee Access Security 
     Code  Refer to Issuable Items Maintenance
     Reference Reference number for the item issued
     Issue Date  Enter the Issue Date
     Issue Quantity Enter the quantity issued
     Issue Condition Enter the condition of the item when issued
     Return Date Enter the date the employee returned the item
     Return Quantity  Enter the quantity returned by the employee
     Return Condition Enter the condition of the item when returned
     Notes  This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
     Void Void the selected record

Figure 1: Issuable Items