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Meetings  allows users to create and record meeting minutes, activities and tasks for every meeting held in the organisation. Meetings alerts are sent to the employees to state the meeting date and time and tasks that need to be completed by an employee for a meeting. 

The following functions are available:

  1. Alerts
  2. Reports
  3. Steps to create meeting

1. Alerts

The following alerts are available:

  Menu  Code  Description Default Value
 Configuration  SYS.ALERT.MeetingTasks.Enable  Send an email alert when a meeting task is assigned to a user. This alert is sent to the "user".  Y
 Configuration  hrm.alert.Meeting.enable  Send an email alert when a "Meeting" is scheduled. This alert is sent to all attendees and CC to configuration "HR email address".  Y

2. Reports

  1. Meeting Records Report

3. Steps to Create Meetings

  1. Add/Edit the record.
  2. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     Start Time  Meeting start date and time
     End Time Meeting end date and time
     Label  Refer to dropdown: Meeting Label
     Resource  Refer to dropdown: Meeting Resource
     Show Time As  Refer to dropdown: Meeting Show Time As
     Status  Refer to dropdown: Meeting Status
     Meeting Minutes  

  3. Expand the record and add Attendees:
     Field  Description
     Attendee  List of active users
     Status  Refer to dropdown: Meeting Attendee Status

  4. Enter Task details

Figure 1: Meetings