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Project - Calendar
Project Calendar is updated with the project dates indicating the start and end dates for each project.This can be used to manage project timeline and plan future projects.
Calendar can also be used to manage events . Users can manage events for a Day, Work Week (Monday to Friday), Week (Monday to Sunday) or Month.
  1. Project details are not editable from the calendar.
 Steps to add Events
  1. Navigate to the date and day on the calendar.
  2. Click into the field. A small note pad icon will be visible.
  3. Click on the icon.
  4. Select New Appointment. Enter the details
  5. Subject - Subject is the agenda appointment or meeting
  6. Location - Location is the venue where the meeting will be conducted.
  7. Label - Label is the classification of the meeting.
  8. Start Time - Start time saves the date and start time of the meeting.
  9. End Time - End time saves the date and end time of the meeting.
  10. Show time as - Show time as denotes the availability of a person.

Figure 1: Calendar