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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Helpdesk > Projects >
Risk and Issues

Any risks and issues relating to a project is also listed under the main project.

Expand the required project by clicking on the grey triangle next to it and enter respective risks.

The table below describes each field in the Risk form. Refer to Figure 1.

Table 1: Contents to record a risk or issue
Fields Description

Date Created

Customer is the client or customer for the project. The list of customers comes from organisation.


The project number is user assigned and is usually the asset number or the approved project number.


Manager is the project Manager or the individual responsible for the project.


Title is a brief description of the project.


Description contains details and information about the project.

Resolve Date

Budget hours is the estimated time in hours for the completion for the project.


Budget dollars is the estimated cost in dollars for the completion for the project.

Figure 1: Edit form to record a Risk or Issue