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New Call -Simple

New Call - Simple case is to create a  quick and simple case on helpdesk.  Users can attach documents to the case after saving a call.


A simple case contains the following:

  1. Logged By - Logged by is the user logging the case.
  2. Logged Date - Logged Date is the date on which the case is logged.
  3. Contact Name and/or number - Contact Name/Number is the name and phone details of the contact person for the case.
  4. Select a Template - Users can select a template from the dropdown list.
  5. Subject - Subject is the brief description for case with the main ideas.
  6. Enter Case Information - Users can enter the details of the case in the text box.


  1. Simple calls uses the "New Case Template".
  2. New Case Template predefine the call components. users need to create the template before logging a case.
  3. "Template" within the "New Case Template" is to outline the default contents of a call. This is maintained under "Document Template".


Figure 1: New Call - Simple