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View All Cases

View All Cases  shows cases in helpdesk.By default users can view all open cases assigned to them.The call filters can be used to load other cases.


Calls can be filtered by "Status" and "Assignment levels"



Assignment Levels:

Colour codes distinguish call progress in helpdesk:

Notes :

  1. Access to "Add Comment" , "Edit Case Header" and "Delete Comment" should be enabled to allow users to work on the calls respectively. Users can enable access under "Global Administration -Role Menu Access".
  2. Users have the ability to comment on cases via emails without the need to log into Helpdesk.
    1. Locate the text "Post a reply to this case here" at the bottom of the email.
    2. Click on the "Here" link , this will open the case details on a new tab.
    3. Scroll to the bottom to the "Post A Reply"section
    4. Enter details and click on the "Save Comment" button. This will update the comment in the case.
  3. Users can expand into the details of a case and edit comments in the "Comments" section. The "Status Notes" will be updated with the "User,Time and Date" when a comment is edited.


Figure 1: View All Calls