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Call Security

Call Securities can be enabled to control access to calls for Helpdesk Users.


General Definitions

  1. A user is assigned access to one or more companies in the User Maintenance form.
  2. A user can be part of only ONE organisation
  3. A case has a “Logged By” and “Created By” user attached to the case when a case is created. These users are added to the “Notifications list” when the case is created.
  4. A case has an “Assigned to” user. This can be assigned when creating a case, or when a comment is added. This user is added to the “Notifications list” when a comment is added.
  5. User Notification List contains all users that the case relates to. When adding to his list, we do not need to “Re-activate” the user if the user had previously “Un-Subscribed” or “Deleted”

Logged by - A list of cases that was logged by a specific user on the call header.
Assigned To - A list of cases that is assigned to a specific user on the call header.
Not Assigned - A list of calls that does not have a specific assignment in “Assigned To”
My Calls - A list of calls based on users in the active (Not deleted) “Call Notification” list table

Security Definitions

Security Description

View All Calls

Users with access will be able to view all calls in Helpdesk.
Can View calls in My Organisation

Users with access will be able to access calls only in the assigned Organisation.

Can Add Comments for calls in My Organisation

Users with access will only be able to comment on calls in the assigned Organisation.
Can Edit Comments for calls in My Organisation

Users with access will only be able to edit comments on calls in the assigned Organisation.

Can Edit Header for calls in My Organisation Users with access will only be able to edit case headers for  calls in the assigned Organisation.
Can Delete Comments for calls in My Organisation Users with access will only be able to delete comments for calls in the assigned Organisation.
Can View calls in My Company

Users with access will be able to access all calls in the Company.

Can Add Comments for calls in My Company

Users with access will be able to comment on all calls in the Company.

Can Edit Comments for calls in My Company

Users with access will be able to edit comment on all calls in the Company.

Can Edit Header for calls in My Compared

Users with access will be able to edit case header for all calls in the Company.

Can Delete Comments for calls in My Company Users with access will be able to delete comments for calls in the Company.
Can Add Comments for My Calls

Users with access  will be able to comments on calls, they have "Logged", calls that is "Assigned To" the user and calls in which the user is in the "Notification".

Can Edit Comments for My Calls

Users with access will be able to  edit comments on calls, they have "Logged", calls that is "Assigned To" the user and calls in which the user is in the "Notification".

Can Edit Header for My Calls

Users with access will be able edit case header for  calls, they have "Logged", calls that is "Assigned To" the user and calls in which the user is in the "Notification".

Can Delete Comments for My Calls

Users with access will be able to delete for calls, they have "Logged", calls that is "Assigned To" the user and calls in which the user is in the "Notification".