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New Call - Detail

New Call - Detail  case is used to create a detailed case in helpdesk . User creating the case can assign the case to other users.


Steps to create a Call:

  1. Navigate to "Helpdesk" -> "New Call - Detail". This will open the form with the "Call Header" tab. Refer to Figure 1.
  2. Enter below details:
    1. "General" section consist the following:
      1. Call - This is the "Call Number". Call Number is system generated.
      2. Status - When creating a call the status is "New". Status is updated by call comments.
      3. Logged Date - The "Logged Date" is defaulted to the present date. Users can change this date.
      4. Publish - Tick the "Publish" box to add the call to the knowledge base .
      5. Private - Calls marked as private are only visible to users in the "Notifications" list. To grant access to a private call, add the user to the "Notifications" list.
        The following rules apply to private calls:
        1. To add a private call to a project, the project manager must have access to the call.
        2. When changing the project manager, ensure the new project manager has access to all the private calls in the project.
        3. There must be at least one user in the "Notifications" list. This is to prevent being lockout from a private call.
      6. Admin Lock - This is used to lock the case header from editing.
    2. "About Me" section consist the following:
      1. Logged By - "Logged by" is the user who creates the call. By default "Logged by" is the user logged into Helpdesk when the call is created.
        1. Users can change the "Logged By" user
        2. If the "Logged By" is changed the call header is updated with the details. Refer to Figure 2.
      2. The field labels for "About Me" are configured under "LinkWeb -> Company Administration -> Configuration -> Helpdesk -> Alias Name".
    3. "Classification" section can be user defined.
      1.  The labels for these are configured under "LinkWeb -> Company Administration -> Configuration -> Helpdesk -> Alias Name"
    4. Costing" section
    5. "Resolution Details" section consist the following:
      1. Assigned To -
      2. Resolve By
      3. Project - "Project" contains a list of projects in Helpdesk which allows users to add calls to a project.
        1. To add a call, select the project from the list and save.
        2. Users need to have access to "Has Access To All Projects" . Access is enabled under "LinkWeb -> Global Administration -> Role Menu Access"
    6. Enter the "Subject" and " Call information" in the "Call Subject and Detailed Information" section
  3. Save
  4. "Copy" is used to copy the "Case Header" of the existing call.
    1. The copied call will be loaded on the screen once the copy command has been successfully completed. 
    2. "Copy" will copy the original call header. If user edits call content and copies the call, a call will be created with the original details.

Call Features

  1. Call Header
    1. "Call Header" contains the case details and contents as listed under "Steps to create a Call"
    1. The "Comments" tab will be activated once a call has been created.This is used to add call details in the "Enter Comments" section.
    2. Users can use predefined templates to update call comments. Templates are maintained under "Linkweb - Company Administration - Document Templates".
    3. Costing
    4. What Next
    5. Command and Controls
      1. Create New Case - This will create a new call using the comments entered. The new call will have the comments as the call header, the call header details will inherited from the original case.
      2. Mark as Solution - This will mark the comment as solution.
      3. Extend Resolve By - Users can tick "Extend Resolve By" to extend the call completion date based on the "Follow Up Date". The call header  "ETC" is extended and a comment is added to show the old and new "ETC" dates.
      4. Send Notifications - Tick this box to send notifications to users in the notification list.
  3. History
    1. The "History" tab will be activated once a call has been created.
    2. The history shows the full content of the call where the case header and comments are consolidated.
  4. Related  Items - Related Item is used to add features and functions that must be tested for a Helpdesk Call.
    1. Select the related item from the list.
      1. Related Items is maintained under "Linkweb - Helpdesk - Related Items ".
    2. Expand into the details of the related item.
    3. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the edit form.
    4. Enter below details
      1. Description - Enter the description of what to test for the new.
      2. Status - Select the status from the list
      3. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
    5. Expand into the details of the "Related Items Details", this will load the "Related Items Log". Refer to Figure 3.
    6. Enter below details:
      1. Description - Enter the test results.
      2. Version - Enter the version of LinkSOFT in which was the test was performed.
      3. Reference - Users can enter referential notes
      4. Status - Select the status of the test.
      5. Deleted - This will delete the record.
      6. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon". 
  5. Notifications
    1. The "Notification" contains the list of users. An email alert is generated on the following actions:
      1. New case logged - Notification is sent to the users in the notification list except to the user logging the case.
      2. Existing case edited - Notification is not sent
      3. New comment added - Notification is sent to the users in the notification list except to the user adding the comment. The option "Send Notifications" is checked when adding a comment to send the email alerts.
      4. Existing Comment is edited - Notification is not sent.
    2. A user is automatically added to the notifications if the user logs or comments on the call.
      1. The helpdesk administrator can add "Additional Emails" for a user. Add multiple email addresses separated by a semi-colon (;).
    3. The helpdesk administrator can add new users to the call notifications. The user account must be created under "Linkweb - Global Administration - User Maintenance".
  6. Notes and Attachments.

Figure 1: New Call - Detail


Figure 2: Logged By details